CNS Communications

For the past 10 years, we have worked with the Power Service Group (PSG) as a vendor in the GNAS and En-Route lines of business. We work closely with the PSG National Program Managers offices, Service Areas, Engineering Services, and Field Organizations to plan, design, site adapt national, install/implement systems and equipment as listed below:
GNAS Power Systems
Large Scale Power Systems
DRPDS/CRPDS – Installed these large scale power systems at the Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center (MMAC) Power Testing and Support Facility (PTSF). These systems are used to train field personnel responsible for maintaining and certifying the systems that are operational.
Medium Scale Power Systems
Air Traffic Control Towers – EG replacements, UPS Replacements, Tower Power Modernization, HVAC Replacements, and Safety Upgrades.
Surveillance Systems - Installed/replaced engine generators supporting ARSR and CASR.
Airport ILS Systems - Installed, Airport Visual Navigational Aids VASI and PAPI, communication Facilities RTR, RCAG
Small Scale Power Systems
Instrument Landing Systems CAT 2 – Replace small EG typically 20kW
Lighted Navigational Aids – CAT 2 – Install and or replace the entire Medium Intensity Approach Lighting Systems with Rail (MALSR)
Visual Approach Slope Indicator (VASI)
Precision Approach Position Indicator (PAPI)
Fuel Storage Tank Upgrades
Above ground tanks
Below ground tanks
Veederroot monitoring system
Probes, Containment and Fuel Piping
Other Work
Design and install replacement air to ground communications systems
En-Route Power Systems
Large Scale Power Systems
ACEPS II Phase 2 – Using the HP/EYP ACEPS II design, we are preparing the national standard design, for the ACEPS II Phase 2 engine generator replacement program consisting of 21 ARTCC’s, 3 Large TRACONS, and a training facility. We are planning the implementation of the EG replacement with all of the stake holders. Additionally we are preparing the project plan, and developing the risk mitigation plan for the removal of the existing 6 engines currently supporting the ARTCC’s. We will replace them with 4 new engine generators, new EG switchgear, and replace the existing essential buss 1 and 2. The net result will be an engineering and implementation package who’s content will have a 90% applicability and will only require a 10%-15% site adaptation.
ACEPS II Phase 2 – Temporary Power System – This power system is housed and will be deployed in 3 ISO containers. It will consist of 2ea 1500kW engine generator sets and 1 set of switch gear. These EG sets will provide all essential power to the ARTCC during the implementation and replacement of the existing EG’s. These units will provide essential power to the ARTCC to support live air traffic operations.
ACEPS II Phase 1 - Temporary Power System – consisting of 2ea UPS trailers with 2ea 825kW UPS, Automatic transfer switches, switchgear, and 2 ea. battery trailers consisting of 4a battery strings, switchgear, and monitoring.
EUPS – Emergency Uninterruptable Power System at multiple ACEPS facilities.
Critical Breaker Replacement at ACEPS Facilities
Radiator and Silencer Replacements at ACEPS Facilities